Information for Contributors

Kai‘aleleiaka welcomes articles and suggestions for articles from attendees. We have already invited contributions from plenary speakers, session organizers, IAU officers, and others, but there’s plenty of room to publish news, reviews, and opinions from a much wider spectrum of attendees.

Articles should be short: 300 to 500 words. In addition to your text, please supply a relevant photo or illustration (with caption), or at least a pointer to something we could grab from a website or other source. Also, we’ll need a head-and-shoulders photo and a 1- or 2-sentence bio of you, the author. In case of multiple authors (no more than three, please), we’ll need photos and bios of all of them.

We prefer receiving text in a Microsoft Word document or equivalent, but a plain text file or even an email message will suffice. Photos and illustrations may be submitted in any common format (e.g., TIFF, JPG, PNG); small photos such as author "mug shots" can be 250 pixels wide by 300 pixels tall, but larger photos or illustrations should be at least 800 pixels wide and tall. Please send your materials to or bring them to the newspaper office, Room 302, in the Hawaii Convention Center. Note that if you want an article to appear in the newspaper on a particular day, you need to get it into our hands at least one day — preferably two or three days — in advance.

We reserve the right to reject unsolicited contributions for any reason and to edit all contributions for length, style, and clarity.